1. Family name: Pop
2. First names: Oliviu - Grigore
3. Date of birth: 18.05.1975
4. Nationality: Romanian
5. Civil status: Single
6. Education:
Date: from(month/year) - to(month/year) | 1993 - 1997 | 1998 - 2000 |
Institutions | Faculty of Biology of Bucharest University | Master in Taxonomy and Biodiversity (Faculty of Biology of Bucharest University) |
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained | Degree in Biology | Master in Taxonomy |
Additional training sessions / workshops / study visits:
7. Language skills: (1 – excellent; 5 – basic)
Nº | Language | Reading | Speaking | Writing |
7.1 | English | 1 | 1 | 1 |
7.2 | Romanian | Mother tongue |
8. Membership of professional bodies:
- GEP (Group of European Pteridologists)
- Romanian Fitosociological Society
- Vice-President of RENATUROPA professional association
9. Other skills: Computers - Word, Excel, Access, SPSS (SPSS - Certificate of Achievement awarded by Romsym Consulting), ArcView Gis 3.x (Certificate of Achievement awarded by ESRI Romania).
10. Key qualifications:
- Good knowledge in nature conservation and management;
- Good knowledge in biodiversity inventory and monitoring;
- Good knowledge in protected areas management planning (Certificate of Achievement in Protected Areas Management Planning awarded by Flora and Fauna International, Cambridge);
- Good knowledge in protected areas management impact monitoring (Certificate of Achievement in Protected Areas Management Impact Monitoring awarded by Flora and Fauna International, Cambridge);
- Good knowledge of the Romanian Flora and plant ecology.
11. Professional Experience Record:
Date from - Date to | Location | Company | Position | Description |
2000-2007 | Zarnesti, Brasov | Piatra Craiului National Park Administration | Park Biologist |
1997 - 2000 | (Bucharest, Romania). | Department of Ecology and Nature Conservation, Institute of Biology of Romanian Academy | Research Assistant |
15. Others
- 1998, Monitoring of the Romanian Protected Areas, Institute of Biology of Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania) - member of the project’s team.
- 1998 - 1999, Evaluation of the ecological status of some CORINE sites and other wetlands proposed to be included in the RAMSAR Network, Institute of Biology of Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania) - member of the project’s team.
- 1998 - 1999, Evaluation of the ecological status of the protected areas of Arges and Prahova counties, Institute of Biology of Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania) - member of the project’s team.
- 1999 - 2000, "PHARE Topic Link/Nature Conservation", Institute of Biology of Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania) - member of the project’s team.
- 1999, The Atlas of the Romanian Higher Plants’ Distribution, Institute of Biology of Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania) - member of the project’s team.
- 1999 - 2001, “Research regarding the influence of grazing on vegetation and soil in the mountain pastures and forests - Copernicus Project, MOFM 2000 - member of the project’s team.
- 2000 - 2006, “Biodiversity Conservation Management in Romania”, GEF/The World Bank/Romanian Government - scientific coordinator for Piatra Craiului National Park.
- 2001 - 2003, “Semi Natural Grasslands Inventory in Romania”. This project represents a small part of a bigger international project, in the framework of the Dutch Program International Nature Management (PIN-MATRA) Fund - member of the project’s team.
- 2003 - 2004, “Identification of Important Plants Areas in Romania”, PLANTLIFE & PLANTAEUROPA - member of the project’s team.
- 2003 - 2007, Life Natura Project “Natura 2000 sites in PiatraCraiuluiNational Park”, European Union/Piatra Craiului National Park –scientific coordinator.
- 2005 - 2006, “TâmpaMountain – the Natura 2000 site in the heart of the citadel”, KNIP-MATRA/Renaturopa Association - project manager.
- 2006, Life Natura Project “Priority forest, subalpine and alpine habitats in Romania”, European Union/ WWF-DCP – external consultant.
- International Symposium “Phytosociology at Landscape Ecology Service” organized by “Babes-Bolyai” University from Cluj-Npoca, Romanian Fitosociological Society and Association Amicale Francophone de Phytosociologie (20.05–25.05.2003, Arcalia Romania).
- 2-nd International Young Scientists Conference – Interdisciplinary Mountain Research organized by Consortium Stelvio National Park, European Academy of Bolzano & University of Insbruk, (29.09-02.10. 2004 Trafoi, Italy).
- International Conference - Integrated Management of Protected Areas (01-03.07.2006, Mala Fatra National Park, Slovakia).
- CIOCÂRLAN V. & POP O., 2003: Annotations on the Piatra Craiului Massif Flora, in POP O. & VERGHELET M. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 1, 98-99, Ed. Phoenix, Brasov.
- CIOCÂRLAN V. & POP O., 2003: Woodsia pulchella Bertol. in Romanian Flora, in POP O. & VERGHELET M. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 1, 84-86, Ed. Phoenix, Brasov.
- CIOCÂRLAN V., DANCIU M., POP O.G & INDREICA A., 2006: New plant taxa and new location of some important plant species for Piatra Craiului National Park, 273-279, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
- CONSTANDT K., POP O. & SARAZIN A., 2003: New pteridophyte records for Piatra Craiului National Park, in POP O. & VERGHELET M. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 1, 87-93, Ed. Phoenix, Brasov.
- DANCIU M., POP O.G. & INDREICA A., 2006: The vegetation of two important habitats along the rivers of Piatra Craiului National Park (alder corridors and Myricaria germanica scrub), in POP O.G. & HANGANU H. (eds.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 3, 91-99, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
- DIHORU G. & POP O.G., 2006: New locations with Musci (Bryophyta) in Piatra Craiului National Park, in POP O.G. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 2, 80-87, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
- DIHORU G., STEFANUT S., WALFISH R & POP O., 2003: Bryophites Flora of the Piatra Craiului Massif, in POP O. & VERGHELET M. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 1, 68-83, Ed. Phoenix, Brasov.
- MARUSCA T. & POP O., 2001: Heracleum sosnovskyi Manden. from Prejmer-Brasov, a new species for Romanian flora, Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestiensis, 29: 149-153.
- MARUSCA T. &POP O., 2003: Preliminary studies rergarding the pastoral landscape types holding degradated phytocoenoses in the Bucegi-Piatra Craiului Mountains, International Symposium Phytocenology at Landscpe Ecology Services. Abstracts, 52-53, Cluj-Napoca.
- MARUSCA T., POP O., VODA A & VERGHELET M., 2003: Evaluation of grazing pressure on the Piatra Craiului National Park’s pastures and management issues, in POP O. & VERGHELET M. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 1, 130-141, Ed. Phoenix, Brasov.
- MOUNTFORD J.O., POP O.G., PATRIQUIN D. &. TREWEEK J.R., 2006: Biological survey for Piatra Craiului National Park. An intermediate review and assessment, in POP O.G. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 2, 7-27, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
- Onete M., Stefanut S., Pop O.G. & MOUNTFORD J.O., 2006: Geographical and ecological distribution of the narrow endemic and relict Dianthus callizonus
- POP O., 1999: Biogeographically and ecological considerations on the species belonging to Asplenium genus (Pterydophyta, Aspleniaceae) from Romania, Proceedings of the Institute of Biology, vol. 2, 17-20, Romania.
- POP O., 2001: Distribution of Asplenium ruta-muraria and Asplenium lepidum in Romania, Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestiensis, 29: 139-147
- POP O., 2003: Ethnobotanical note of Piatra Craiului National Park, in POP O. & VERGHELET M. (ed.), vol. 1, 150-158, Ed. Phoenix, Brasov.
- POP O., 2003: Un sistem eficient pentru monitorizarea biodiversitatii în ariile protejate din România. Studiu de caz – Parcul National Piatra Craiului, Ecomediu. Conferinta Nationala Practici în Protectia Mediului, 44-45, Arad.
- POP O., 2004: Development of a Biodiversity Monitoring Programme for the Romanian Protected Areas. Abstracts of the 2-nd International Young Scientists Conference – Interdisciplinary Mountain Research, 129.
- POP O., 2004: The importance of ethno-botanical survey and medicinal plants collection monitoring for biodiversity conservation in Piatra Craiului National Park (Romania), Medicinal Plant Conservation, vol. 9/10, 62-66, IUCN.
- POP O. G., 2006: Identification of Important Plant Areas (IPAs) within Piatra Craiului National Park, in POP O.G. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 2, 108-133, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
- POP O.G. & VEZEANU C., 2006, Mapping of the main habitats in the Piatra Craiului National Park, in POP O.G. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 2, 144-151, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
- POP O.G., 2006: Development of a Biodiversity Monitoring Program for the Romanian protected area. Experiences in Piatra Craiului National Park, in POP O.G. & HANGANU H. (eds.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 3, 229-247, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
- STEFANUT S. & POP O.G., 2006: Hornworths and liveworths of the Piatra Craiului National Park, in POP O.G. & HANGANU H. (eds.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 3, 72-85, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
- STEFANUT S., POP O.G. & STEFANUT M., 2006: Developement of species mapping software for Piatra Craiului National Park, in POP O.G. & HANGANU H. (eds.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 3, 273-279, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
- UDUDEC R.V. & POP O.G., Short note: new plant species and new locations of some species for Piatra Craiului National Park, , in POP O.G. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 2, 100-102, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
- POP O.G. & HANGANU H., 2006, Biodiversity research and monitoring, as a management tool in Piatra Craiului National Park, The Alpine-Carpathians Cooperation of Protected Areas -workshop proceedings, 21-22.
- POP O. & VERGHELET M. (eds.), 2003, Research in Piatra Craiului National Park – Cercetari în Parcul National Piatra Craiului, vol. 1, 330 pp., Ed. Phoenix, Brasov.
- POP O.G., 2005, Biodiversity Monitoring Plan for Piatra Craiului National Park, 210 pp., Ed. Univ. Transilvania, Brasov.
- POP O.G. (ed.), 2006, Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 2, Ed. Univ. Transilvania, Brasov.
- POP O. G. & HANGANU H. (eds.), 2006, Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 3, Ed. Univ. Transilvania, Brasov.
- ZOTTA M., POP O.G., SCORNEICA L. & COSTESCU B., 2004, Piatra Craiului, manual de educatie ecologica pentru clasele V-VII (Piatra Craiului - Ecological Educational Manual), Ed. Univ. Transilvania, Brasov.
- POP O.G., IONESCU D.T. & FURNICA R., 2006, Pasari din Parcul National Piatra Craiului/Birds of Piatra Craiului National Park, 300 pp., Ed. Univ. Transilvania, Brasov.
- POP O.G. (ed.), 2006, Muntele Tâmpa – rezervatia din inima cetatii (Tampa Mountain - the reserve in heart of the citadel), 120 pp., Ed. Univ. Transilvania, Brasov.