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Pop Oliviu - Grigore

1. Family name: Pop

2. First names: Oliviu - Grigore

3. Date of birth: 18.05.1975

4. Nationality: Romanian

5. Civil status: Single

6. Education:


from(month/year) - to(month/year)

1993 - 1997

1998 - 2000


Faculty of Biology of Bucharest University

Master in Taxonomy and Biodiversity (Faculty of Biology of Bucharest University)

Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained

Degree in Biology

Master in Taxonomy

Additional training sessions / workshops / study visits:

7. Language skills: (1 – excellent; 5 – basic)












Mother tongue

8. Membership of professional bodies:

  • GEP (Group of European Pteridologists)
  • Romanian Fitosociological Society
  • Vice-President of RENATUROPA professional association

9. Other skills: Computers - Word, Excel, Access, SPSS (SPSS - Certificate of Achievement awarded by Romsym Consulting), ArcView Gis 3.x (Certificate of Achievement awarded by ESRI Romania).

10. Key qualifications:

  • Good knowledge in nature conservation and management;
  • Good knowledge in biodiversity inventory and monitoring;
  • Good knowledge in protected areas management planning (Certificate of Achievement in Protected Areas Management Planning awarded by Flora and Fauna International, Cambridge);
  • Good knowledge in protected areas management impact monitoring (Certificate of Achievement in Protected Areas Management Impact Monitoring awarded by Flora and Fauna International, Cambridge);
  • Good knowledge of the Romanian Flora and plant ecology.

11. Professional Experience Record:

Date from - Date to






Zarnesti, Brasov

Piatra Craiului National Park Administration

Park Biologist

  • coordinator of biodiversity inventory and monitoring activities;
  • responsible for designing of the monitoring plan for the assessment of the effectiveness of management actions in protecting the park’s biodiversity and landscapes;
  • involved in the design of the Management Plan for Piatra Craiului National Park; participation at a high number of meetings with the stakeholders in the region of Piatra Craiului Nationa Park, public awareness and ecological education campaigns in the park’s area;
  • coordinator of the team of scientists involved in the biological inventory of the area’s proposed as Natura 2000 sites; responsible for designing the management recommendations and monitoring protocols for the species and habitats listed in the EU Habitats and Birds Directives;
  • coordinator of many workshops for sharing the experience gained during the park’s projects;
  • providing consultancy for the staff of other 20 new -established natural and national parks in Romania on biodiversity inventory, monitoring and management as well as projects writhing;
  • organizer of four scientific book release festivities.

1997 - 2000

(Bucharest, Romania).

Department of Ecology and Nature Conservation, Institute of Biology of Romanian Academy

Research Assistant

  • participation at research contracts and projects on biodiversity conservation, botany, and nature management

15. Others


  1. 1998, Monitoring of the Romanian Protected Areas, Institute of Biology of Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania) - member of the project’s team.
  2. 1998 - 1999, Evaluation of the ecological status of some CORINE sites and other wetlands proposed to be included in the RAMSAR Network, Institute of Biology of Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania) - member of the project’s team.
  3. 1998 - 1999, Evaluation of the ecological status of the protected areas of Arges and Prahova counties, Institute of Biology of Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania) - member of the project’s team.
  4. 1999 - 2000, "PHARE Topic Link/Nature Conservation", Institute of Biology of Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania) - member of the project’s team.
  5. 1999, The Atlas of the Romanian Higher Plants’ Distribution, Institute of Biology of Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania) - member of the project’s team.
  6. 1999 - 2001, “Research regarding the influence of grazing on vegetation and soil in the mountain pastures and forests - Copernicus Project, MOFM 2000 - member of the project’s team.
  7. 2000 - 2006, “Biodiversity Conservation Management in Romania”, GEF/The World Bank/Romanian Government - scientific coordinator for Piatra Craiului National Park.
  8. 2001 - 2003, “Semi Natural Grasslands Inventory in Romania”. This project represents a small part of a bigger international project, in the framework of the Dutch Program International Nature Management (PIN-MATRA) Fund - member of the project’s team.
  9. 2003 - 2004, “Identification of Important Plants Areas in Romania”, PLANTLIFE & PLANTAEUROPA - member of the project’s team.
  10. 2003 - 2007, Life Natura Project “Natura 2000 sites in PiatraCraiuluiNational Park, European Union/Piatra Craiului National Park –scientific coordinator.
  11. 2005 - 2006, “TâmpaMountain – the Natura 2000 site in the heart of the citadel”, KNIP-MATRA/Renaturopa Association - project manager.
  12. 2006, Life Natura Project “Priority forest, subalpine and alpine habitats in Romania”, European Union/ WWF-DCP – external consultant.


  1. International Symposium “Phytosociology at Landscape Ecology Service” organized by “Babes-Bolyai” University from Cluj-Npoca, Romanian Fitosociological Society and Association Amicale Francophone de Phytosociologie (20.05–25.05.2003, Arcalia Romania).
  2. 2-nd International Young Scientists Conference – Interdisciplinary Mountain Research organized by Consortium Stelvio National Park, European Academy of Bolzano & University of Insbruk, (29.09-02.10. 2004 Trafoi, Italy).
  3. International Conference - Integrated Management of Protected Areas (01-03.07.2006, Mala Fatra National Park, Slovakia).



  1. CIOCÂRLAN V. & POP O., 2003: Annotations on the Piatra Craiului Massif Flora, in POP O. & VERGHELET M. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 1, 98-99, Ed. Phoenix, Brasov.
  2. CIOCÂRLAN V. & POP O., 2003: Woodsia pulchella Bertol. in Romanian Flora, in POP O. & VERGHELET M. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 1, 84-86, Ed. Phoenix, Brasov.
  3. CIOCÂRLAN V., DANCIU M., POP O.G & INDREICA A., 2006: New plant taxa and new location of some important plant species for Piatra Craiului National Park, 273-279, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
  4. CONSTANDT K., POP O. & SARAZIN A., 2003: New pteridophyte records for Piatra Craiului National Park, in POP O. & VERGHELET M. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 1, 87-93, Ed. Phoenix, Brasov.
  5. DANCIU M., POP O.G. & INDREICA A., 2006: The vegetation of two important habitats along the rivers of Piatra Craiului National Park (alder corridors and Myricaria germanica scrub), in POP O.G. & HANGANU H. (eds.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 3, 91-99, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
  6. DIHORU G. & POP O.G., 2006: New locations with Musci (Bryophyta) in Piatra Craiului National Park, in POP O.G. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 2, 80-87, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
  7. DIHORU G., STEFANUT S., WALFISH R & POP O., 2003: Bryophites Flora of the Piatra Craiului Massif, in POP O. & VERGHELET M. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 1, 68-83, Ed. Phoenix, Brasov.
  8. MARUSCA T. & POP O., 2001: Heracleum sosnovskyi Manden. from Prejmer-Brasov, a new species for Romanian flora, Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestiensis, 29: 149-153.
  9. MARUSCA T. &POP O., 2003: Preliminary studies rergarding the pastoral landscape types holding degradated phytocoenoses in the Bucegi-Piatra Craiului Mountains, International Symposium Phytocenology at Landscpe Ecology Services. Abstracts, 52-53, Cluj-Napoca.
  10. MARUSCA T., POP O., VODA A & VERGHELET M., 2003: Evaluation of grazing pressure on the Piatra Craiului National Park’s pastures and management issues, in POP O. & VERGHELET M. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 1, 130-141, Ed. Phoenix, Brasov.
  11. MOUNTFORD J.O., POP O.G., PATRIQUIN D. &. TREWEEK J.R., 2006: Biological survey for Piatra Craiului National Park. An intermediate review and assessment, in POP O.G. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 2, 7-27, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
  12. Onete M., Stefanut S., Pop O.G. & MOUNTFORD J.O., 2006: Geographical and ecological distribution of the narrow endemic and relict Dianthus callizonus
  13. POP O., 1999: Biogeographically and ecological considerations on the species belonging to Asplenium genus (Pterydophyta, Aspleniaceae) from Romania, Proceedings of the Institute of Biology, vol. 2, 17-20, Romania.
  14. POP O., 2001: Distribution of Asplenium ruta-muraria and Asplenium lepidum in Romania, Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestiensis, 29: 139-147
  15. POP O., 2003: Ethnobotanical note of Piatra Craiului National Park, in POP O. & VERGHELET M. (ed.), vol. 1, 150-158, Ed. Phoenix, Brasov.
  16. POP O., 2003: Un sistem eficient pentru monitorizarea biodiversitatii în ariile protejate din România. Studiu de caz – Parcul National Piatra Craiului, Ecomediu. Conferinta Nationala Practici în Protectia Mediului, 44-45, Arad.
  17. POP O., 2004: Development of a Biodiversity Monitoring Programme for the Romanian Protected Areas. Abstracts of the 2-nd International Young Scientists Conference – Interdisciplinary Mountain Research, 129.
  18. POP O., 2004: The importance of ethno-botanical survey and medicinal plants collection monitoring for biodiversity conservation in Piatra Craiului National Park (Romania), Medicinal Plant Conservation, vol. 9/10, 62-66, IUCN.
  19. POP O. G., 2006: Identification of Important Plant Areas (IPAs) within Piatra Craiului National Park, in POP O.G. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 2, 108-133, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
  20. POP O.G. & VEZEANU C., 2006, Mapping of the main habitats in the Piatra Craiului National Park, in POP O.G. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 2, 144-151, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
  21. POP O.G., 2006: Development of a Biodiversity Monitoring Program for the Romanian protected area. Experiences in Piatra Craiului National Park, in POP O.G. & HANGANU H. (eds.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 3, 229-247, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
  22. STEFANUT S. & POP O.G., 2006: Hornworths and liveworths of the Piatra Craiului National Park, in POP O.G. & HANGANU H. (eds.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 3, 72-85, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
  23. STEFANUT S., POP O.G. & STEFANUT M., 2006: Developement of species mapping software for Piatra Craiului National Park, in POP O.G. & HANGANU H. (eds.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 3, 273-279, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
  24. UDUDEC R.V. & POP O.G., Short note: new plant species and new locations of some species for Piatra Craiului National Park, , in POP O.G. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 2, 100-102, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.
  25. POP O.G. & HANGANU H., 2006, Biodiversity research and monitoring, as a management tool in Piatra Craiului National Park, The Alpine-Carpathians Cooperation of Protected Areas -workshop proceedings, 21-22.
in Piatra Craiului Massif, in POP O.G. (ed.), Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 2, 134-143, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania, Brasov.


  • POP O. & VERGHELET M. (eds.), 2003, Research in Piatra Craiului National Park – Cercetari în Parcul National Piatra Craiului, vol. 1, 330 pp., Ed. Phoenix, Brasov.
  • POP O.G., 2005, Biodiversity Monitoring Plan for Piatra Craiului National Park, 210 pp., Ed. Univ. Transilvania, Brasov.
  • POP O.G. (ed.), 2006, Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 2, Ed. Univ. Transilvania, Brasov.
  • POP O. G. & HANGANU H. (eds.), 2006, Research in Piatra Craiului National Park, vol. 3, Ed. Univ. Transilvania, Brasov.
  • ZOTTA M., POP O.G., SCORNEICA L. & COSTESCU B., 2004, Piatra Craiului, manual de educatie ecologica pentru clasele V-VII (Piatra Craiului - Ecological Educational Manual), Ed. Univ. Transilvania, Brasov.
  • POP O.G., IONESCU D.T. & FURNICA R., 2006, Pasari din Parcul National Piatra Craiului/Birds of Piatra Craiului National Park, 300 pp., Ed. Univ. Transilvania, Brasov.
  • POP O.G. (ed.), 2006, Muntele Tâmpa – rezervatia din inima cetatii (Tampa Mountain - the reserve in heart of the citadel), 120 pp., Ed. Univ. Transilvania, Brasov.